Ancestors of Robyn Bray

Name List

[No Surname], <, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, >

No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, [No Surname-No Surname], No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname




(No surname)
  Bridgett Ann born Cir 1920
  Brigette born Abt 1624
  Brigitta born Cir 1660
  Bronwyn Anne born Cir 1950
  Bronwyn born Cir 1965
  Bronwyn born Cir 1960
  Brooke born Nov 2003
  Brooke born Cir 1985
  Brutus "The Dardanian" of the Britons Ap Sylvius (Selys Hen) (KIng) born 1150 B.C. died 1091 B.C.
  Burt born Cir 1885
  Cadwalladr Ap Lleiffer (Lewfer Lleuver-Mawr) born Cir 170
  Caecilia Metellus of Macedonia born Cir 210 B.C.
  Caer Caesara born Cir 680 B.C.
  Caesar Caius Julius I Rome born 12 Jul 160 B.C. died 15 Jul 105 B.C.
  Caesar Caius Julius II Rome born Cir 140 B.C.
  Caesar Germanicus (Claudius Julius Nero) born Cir 0010 B.C.
  Caesar Sextus Julius of Rome born Cir 190 B.C.
  Cainan (Canein Kenan) ben Enos born 3675 B.C. died 2765 B.C.
  Caitlin born Cir 1980
  Caitlyn Isba born 2004
  Caius Julius di Roma born Cir 985 B.C.
  Callirhot (Callirhoe) born Cir 1335 B.C.
  Callum born 11 Nov 1995
  Callum born Cir 1980
  Camber of Cambria and Cornwall Ap Brutus (Duke) born 1100 B.C.
  Cameron born Cir 1990
  Camilla born Abt 1805
  Canute born Cir 970
  Capys "The Dardanian) of Troy (Prince) born 1310 B.C.
  Carina born Cir 1960
  Carl born Cir 1980
  Carloman born Abt 751
  Carloman born Cir 1710
  Carmel born 1937
  Carmel born Cir 1945
  Carmel born Cir 1955
  Carmel born Cir 1950
  Carol Jean born Cir 1930
  Carol born Cir 1945
  Carol born Cir 1960
  Carol born 1957
  Carol born Cir 1940
  Carol born Abt 1922
  Carol born Cir 1950
  Carol born Cir 1940
  Carol born Cir 1955
  Carol born Cir 1970
  Carol born Cir 1950
  Carol born Cir 1940
  Carole Anne born Cir 1945
  Carole born Cir 1945
  Caroline E. born Abt 1845
  Caroline Frederica born 1802 died 1882
  Caroline J. born Cir 1870
  Caroline June born Cir 1895
  Caroline M. born 1856
  Caroline Sarah born Cir 1870
  Caroline born Cir 1850
  Caroline born 5 Aug cir 1950
  Caroline born 1864
  Caroline born 1856
  Caroline born Cir 1843
  Caroline born Cir 1819 died After 1891
  Caroline born Cir 1865
  Caroline born 1817
  Caroline born 1867
  Caroline born 1849
  Caroline born Cir 1790
  Caroline born 1817
  Caroline born Cir 1890
  Caroline born Cir 1827 died 1878
  Caroline born 1875
  Caroline born Cir 1865
  Caroline born Cir 1845
  Caroline born Cir 1960
  Caroline born Abt 1822
  Caroline born Cir 1862
  Caroline born Cir 1860 died 1898
  Caroline born Abt 1850
  Caroline born Cir 1835
  Caroline born 1835
  Caroline born Cir 1800
  Carolyn S. born Cir 1940
  Carolyn born Cir 1930
  Carrie born Cir 1905
  Cassandra born Cir 1975
  Cassie born Cir 1900
  Cassy born Cir 1945
  Catharina Barbara born Cir 1710
  Catharina born Cir 1670
  Catharina born Cir 1660
  Catharina born Cir 1570
  Catharina born Cir 1620
  Catharina born Cir 1610 died After 12 Feb 1654
  Catharina born Cir 1560
  Catharina born Cir 1710
  Catharine born Cir 1715
  Catherin M. born Cir 1890
  Catherina Margaretha born 1712 died 23 Oct 1752
  Catherina born Cir 1650
  Catherina born 1749 died 15 Feb 1812
  Catherina born Cir 1665
  Catherine (Camilla) born Cir 1800 died Bef 1850
  Catherine A. born Cir 1865
  Catherine Anne born Cir 1970
  Catherine Mary born Cir 1865
  Catherine R. born Cir 1890
  Catherine born Cir 1862
  Catherine born Cir 1770
  Catherine born Cir 1870
  Catherine born Cir 1660
  Catherine born 1834
  Catherine born Abt 1797 died 1859
  Catherine born Cir 1810
  Catherine born 1834
  Catherine born Cir 1673
  Catherine born Abt 1690
  Catherine born Cir 1750 died 1720
  Catherine born 1877
  Catherine born Cir 1810
  Catherine born Cir 1697
  Catherine born 1887 died 23 May 1959
  Catherine born Cir 1800
  Catherine born 1835
  Catherine born 1623
  Catherine born Abt 1747 died Oct 1834
  Catherine born Cir 1970
  Catherine born 1805
  Catherine born Cir 1830
  Catherine born 1802
  Catherine born Cir 1845
  Catherine born Cir 1895
  Catherine born Cir 1880
  Catherine born 1577 died 1651
  Catherine born Abt 1606
  Catherine born Abt 1676
  Catherine born Abt 1716
  Catherine born Abt 1760
  Catherine born Cir 1840
  Catherine born Cir 1880
  Catherine born Cir 1873
  Catherine born Cir 1725
  Catherine born Abt 1806
  Catherine born Cir 1820
  Catherine born Cir 1885
  Catherine born Cir 1845
  Catherine born Cir 1850
  Catherine born Cir 1780
  Catherine born 1755
  Catherine born Cir 1835 died Cir 1905
  Catherine born Cir 1670 died 12 Sep 1733
  Catherine born Cir 1864
  Catherine born Cir 1815
  Catherine born Bef 1700 died 1772
  Catherine born Cir 1820
  Catherine born Cir 1850
  Catherine born Cir 1800
  Catherine born Cir 1830
  Catherine born Cir 1780
  Catherine born 1780 died 1801
  Catherine born Cir 1860
  Catherine born Cir 1890
  Catherine born Cir 1800
  Catherine born Cir 1870
  Catherine born Cir 1670
  Catherine born Cir 1825
  Catherine born Cir 1835 died 19 Dec 1891
  Catherine born Cir 1780
  Catherine born 1856
  Catherine born Cir 1880
  Catherine born Cir 1794
  Cathy born Cir 1965
  Cathy born Cir 1960
  Cathy born Cir 1960
  Ceasar Caius Julius III of Rome born Cir 160 B.C.
  Cecelia Elizabeth (Betty) born Cir 1880
  Cecilia M. born Cir 1880
  Cecilia born Cir 1070 died 1126
  Cecily born Cir 1470
  Celia born 22 Jul 1887 died Aug 1980
  Celia born Cir 1945
  Celia born Cir 1920
  Celia born 1831
  Cerwydr "The Cambrian" of Cornwall Ap Crydon (King) born 360 B.C.
  Chantelle born Cir 1955
  Charitas born Cir 1655
  Charity born Abt 1590
  Charles (Martel) born 676 died 22 Oct 741
  Charles (The Bald) I born Cir 800
  Charles Prince of Wales born 14 Nov 1948
  Charles born Abt 1854
  Charles born Cir 1835
  Charles born Cir 1920
  Charles born Cir 1865
  Charlie Pelligreni born Cir 1935
  Charlie born 2002
  Charlotte A. born Cir 1870
  Charlotte Augusta born 1832
  Charlotte E. born 1850
  Charlotte Elizabeth Diana (Princess) born 2 May 2015
  Charlotte Elizabeth born Cir 1834
  Charlotte L. born 1835
  Charlotte Mary born Cir 1875
  Charlotte born Cir 1880 died Cir 1950
  Charlotte born 1823 died 9 Mar 1898
  Charlotte born Cir 1847
  Charlotte born Cir 1790 died 1856
  Charlotte born Cir 1834
  Charlotte born Abt 1849
  Charlotte born Cir 1830
  Charlotte born Abt 1795
  Charlotte born 1877
  Charlotte born Cir 1805
  Charlotte born 1855
  Charlotte born 1813
  Charlotte born Cir 1810 died 1846
  Charlotte born Cir 1880
  Charlotte born 18 Sep 1989
  Charlotte born Cir 1970
  Charlotte born 1839
  Charlotte born Cir 1780
  Charlotte born Abt 1852
  Charlotte born Abt 1885 died 1974
  Charlotte born Abt 1873
  Charlotte born Abt 1828
  Charlotte born Abt 1826
  Charlotte born 1862
  Charlotte born Cir 1905
  Charlotte born Abt 1816
  Charlotte born 1796
  Charlotte born Cir 1801 died 1876
  Charlotte born Cir 1800
  Charlotte born Cir 1859
  Charlotte born Abt 1915 died 1959
  Charlotte born Cir 1860
  Charlotte born Cir 1860
  Charlotte born 1842
  Charlotte born Abt 1849
  Charlotte born Cir 1860
  Charlotte born Cir 1815
  Charlotte born Cir 1820
  Charlotte born Cir 1870
  Charlotte born Cir 1920 died 19 Jan 1972
  Charmaine born Cir 1940
  Charolette born 1822
  Chelsea born Cir 1970
  Cherie born Cir 1980
  Cherie born Cir 1980
  Cherry Marguerite born 31 Nov 1936
  Cheryl Jean born Cir 1950
  Cheryl born Cir 1970
  Cheryl born Cir 1965
  Cheryl born Cir 1955
  Cheryl born Cir 1965
  Cheryl born Abt 1945
  Cheryl born Cir 1955
  Chiemi born Cir 1950
  Chiltrud born Cir 730
  Chris born Cir 1945
  Chris born Cir 1960
  Chris born Cir 1980
  Christian born Cir 1705
  Christian born Abt 1714 died 18 Jun 1780
  Christian born Cir 1628
  Christian born Bef 1495
  Christiana born Cir 1145
  Christiana born Cir 1815
  Christiana born 1585 died 1613
  Christiana born 1658 died 3 Nov 1716
  Christina A. born Cir 1850
  Christina Elizabeth Ramos born 5 Jan 1984
  Christina born Cir 1805 died Bef 1826
  Christina born Cir 1640
  Christina born Cir 1860
  Christina born 1850 died 1871
  Christina born Cir 1870
  Christina born Cir 1829
  Christine born Cir 1940
  Christine born Cir 1940
  Christine born Cir 1950
  Christine born Abt 1964
  Christine born Cir 1965
  Christine born Cir 1960
  Christine born Cir 1950
  Christine born Cir 1955
  Christine born Cir 1965
  Christine born Cir 1975
  Christopher P. Brady born Cir 1980
  Christopher born Cir 1960
  Chrity born Abt 1640
  Chrotrud (Anchisus) born Cir 680
  Chrystala born Cir 1980
  Cicely born 1465
  Cicely born Cir 1650 died After 1674
  Cindy born 1859
  Cindy born Cir 1960
  Cindy born Cir 1960
  Cindy born Cir 1950
  Ciserly born Cir 1927
  Clair born Cir 1925
  Clair born Cir 1925
  Claire born Cir 1950
  Claire born Cir 1950
  Claire born Cir 1945
  Clara Annie born Cir 1855 died 1938
  Clara Louisa born Cir 1880
  Clara born Cir 1870
  Clara born Cir 1866
  Clara born Cir 1796
  Clara born 1864
  Clara born Abt 1876
  Clara born Cir 1860
  Clara born Cir 1825
  Clara born 1873
  Clare born Cir 1960
  Clare born Cir 1965
  Clare born Cir 1950
  Clarice Maud born Cir 1885 died 1960
  Claud born Cir 1910
  Claudia born Abt 1925
  Claudius I aka Tiberius Claudius Nero Rome born 1 Aug 0010 B.C. died 13 Oct 54
  Cliff born Cir 1975
  Clive born Cir 1945
  Cloderic born Cir 470 died Abt 509
  Colin born Cir 1940
  Colin born Cir 1965
  Colin born Cir 1940
  Colin born Cir 1940
  Colleen born Cir 1925
  Colleen born Cir 1940
  Colleen born Cir 1960
  Colleen born Cir 1950
  Collen born Cir 1960
  Collette born Cir 1955
  Comfort born 1715
  Comfort born 1839
  Comfort born Cir 1810
  Conan III born 1096
  Connie born Cir 1950
  Constance of Castile born 1354 died 1394
  Constance born Cir 1910 died Cir 1996
  Constance born Cir 1900
  Constance born 1118
  Constance born Cir 1725
  Constance born Cir 1070 died 1090
  Constance born Cir 1250
  Constance born Cir 1910
  Constance born Cir 1915
  Constance born Cir 1890 bur. 30 Dec 1984
  Cora born 1876
  Cora born Cir 1945
  Cora born Cir 1930
  Coral born Cir 1965
  Coraline Tertia born Cir 1860
  Coralyn born Cir 1955
  Cornelia Cinna of Rome born 80 B.C.
  Cornelia born Cir 1900
  Craig born Cir 1960
  Creusa of Troy (Princess) born 1118 B.C.
  Croilus I (Cole Coilus) of Britain Ap Marius Meric AKA "Old King Coel was a Merry Old Soul" (King) born Cir 80-85 died 170
  Crydon "The Cambrian" of Cornwall Ap Dyfnarth (King) born 440 B.C.
  Cunedda (Kunedda Cunedagius) of Britain Ap Henwyn (King) born 850 B.C. died 722 B.C.
  Cunobeln (Cunobelinas Cymbeline) of Britain Ap Tasciovanus-Tenantius (KIng) born Cir 34 B.C. died 0027
  Cyngen of Cambria and Cornwall Ap Dufnwal Hen (Duke) born 980 B.C.
  Cynthia born 4 Dec 1794 died 30 May 1832
  Daisy born 26 Jan 2005
  Dale born Cir 1935
  Daniel born Cir 1980
  Daniel born Cir 1965
  Danny born Cir 1950 died Apr 2017
  Danpi born Cir 343
  Daphne Lorraine born Cir 1930
  Daphne born Cir 1940
  Daphne born Cir 1950
  Dara Dardanus of Dardania and Troy ben Zehrah (King) born Cir 1460 B.C. died Cir 1414 B.C.
  Darlene born Cir 1950
  Darrell born Cir 1970
  Daryl born Cir 1965
  Daurithy born Cir 1575
  Dave born Cir 1915
  David Cyril Bower born Cir 1940
  David born Cir 1945
  David born Abt 1967
  David born Cir 1955
  David born Cir 1945
  David born Cir 1960
  David born Cir 1970
  David born Cir 1955
  David born Cir 1955
  David born Cir 1970
  David born Cir 1960
  Dawn Blanche born Cir 1940 died 30 May 2008
  Dawn born Cir 1950
  Dawn born Cir 1930
  Dawn born Cir 1935
  Dawn born Cir 1950
  Dawn born Cir 1950
  Dawn born Cir 1950
  Dean born Cir 1990
  Dean born Cir 1965
  Deanna born Cir 1940
  Debbie Lynn born Cir 1965
  Debbie born Cir 1960
  Debbie born Abt 1961
  Debbie born Cir 1955
  Debbie born Cir 1965
  Debbie born Cir 1955
  Debbie born Cir 1960
  Debbie born 7 Jul 1966
  Debbie born Cir 1990
  Debbie born Cir 1965
  Debbie born Cir 1950
  Debbie born Cir 1965
  Debora born 1704
  Deborah born Cir 1985
  Deborah born 26 Apr 1958
  Deborah born Cir 1965
  Deborah born Cir 1955
  Deborah born Cir 1925
  Deborah born Cir 1960
  Debra born Cir 1965
  Debrella born Cir 1910
  Dee born Cir 1930
  Dell born Cir 1940
  Dell born Cir 1940
  Denise Anne born 1951
  Denise June born Cir 1950
  Denise born 17 Nov 1926
  Denise born Cir 1950
  Denise born Cir 1910
  Denise born Abt 1954
  Denise born Cir 1940
  Denise born Cir 1955
  Denise born Cir 1870
  Dennis born Cir 1950
  Dennise born Cir 1960
  Derek born Cir 1945
  Derise born Cir 1965
  Diana W. born Cir 1945
  Diana born Cir 1932
  Diana born Cir 1815
  Diane Margaret born Cir 1970
  Diane born Cir 1945
  Diane born Cir 1950
  Diane born Cir 1940 died 28 Jul 2003
  Diane born Cir 1912 died 17 Dec 2013
  Dianna born Cir 1805
  Dianne May born Cir 1945
  Dianne born Cir 1970
  Dianne born Cir 1950
  Dianne born Cir 1945
  Dianne born Cir 1940


[No Surname], <, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, >

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