Ancestors of Robyn Bray

Name List

[No Surname], <, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, >

No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, [No Surname-No Surname], No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname, No Surname-No Surname




(No surname)
  Mary born 1750
  Mary born Cir 1895
  Mary born Cir 1730
  Mary born Cir 1935
  Mary born Cir 1630 died 1685
  Mary born Cir 1835
  Mary born Cir 1690
  Mary born Cir 1831 died 7 Jun 1894
  Mary born 1918
  Mary born Cir 1950
  Mary born Cir 1770
  Mary born Cir 1780
  Mary born Cir 1850
  Mary born 1807 died 18 May 1881
  Mary born Cir 1837
  Mary born Cir 1645 died 1674
  Mary born 1799
  Mary born Cir 1783 died 17 Jul 1854
  Mary born Cir 1840
  Mary born 1789
  Mary born Cir 1690 died 9 Aug 1750
  Mary born Cir 1830
  Mary born Cir 1840
  Mary born Cir 1830
  Mary born Cir 1800
  Mary born Cir 1840
  Mary born Cir 1780
  Mary born Cir 1750
  Mary born Cir 1720
  Mary born 1700 died 1772
  Mary born Cir 1720 died 1753
  Mary born Cir 1749
  Mary born 1720
  Mary born Cir 1820
  Mary born Abt 1820
  Mary born Cir 1700
  Mary born Cir 1695
  Mary born Cir 1765
  Mary born 1787 died 1818
  Mary born Cir 1640 bur. 6 Aug 1683
  Mary born Cir 1910 died 1944
  Mary born Cir 1865
  Mary born 1700 died 25 Jan 1781
  Mary born Cir 1880
  Mary born Cir 1800
  Mary born 1670
  Mary born Cir 1813 died Cir 1832
  Mary born 1700
  Mary born 1775 died Oct 1842
  Mary born Cir 1816 died 27 Dec 1873
  Mary born Bef 1725
  Mary born 1688 died 12 Feb 1772
  Mary born Cir 1790
  Mary born Cir 1900
  Mary born 1676 died 16 Mar 1753
  Mary born 1714 died 4 May 1798
  Maryellen born Cir 1970
  Marylin born Cir 1940
  Maryon born Cir 1565
  Masie Margaret Ellen born Cir 1920
  Massie born Cir 1925
  Mathew born Cir 1980
  Matilda born 1838 died 1878
  Matilda born Abt 1800
  Matilda born Cir 1860
  Matilda born 1852
  Matilda born Cir 1815
  Matilda born 1834
  Matilda born 1836
  Matilda born Cir 1880
  Matilda born Cir 1070
  Matilda born Cir 1860
  Matilda born Cir 1890
  Matilda born Cir 1878
  Matilda born Cir 1835 died 1934
  Matriach born 1493
  Matriarch born Est 1609
  Matriarch born 1579
  Matriarch born Cir 1390
  Matriarch born Cir 1575
  Matriarch born Est 1583
  Matriarch born 1625
  Matriarch born 1544
  Matriarch born 1548
  Matriarch born 1550
  Matriarch born 1700
  Matriarch born 1521
  Matriarch born 1551
  Matriarch born 1550
  Matriarch born Est 1550
  Matriarch born 1523
  Matriarch born 1497
  Matriarch born 1605
  Matriarch born 1550
  Matriarch born 1605
  Matriarch born 1665
  Matriarch born 1523
  Mattathias (Mathathias Mattathia) ben Amos born Cir 190 B.C.
  Matthat (Mathat Nasi) ben Levi of Arimathea born 67 B.C. died 0001 B.C.
  Matthew James born 1 Dec 1998
  Matthew Stephen born 21 Nov 1983
  Matthew born 1981
  Matthew born Cir 1980
  Matthew born Cir 1970
  Matthew born Cir 1980
  Matthew born Cir 1985
  Matthew born Cir 2000
  Matthew born Cir 1935
  Maud W. born Cir 1890
  Maud born 1869 died 1938
  Maud born Cir 1095
  Maud born Cir 1310
  Maud born Cir 1175
  Maud born Cir 1870
  Maud born Abt 1910
  Maud born Cir 1610
  Maud born Cir 1880
  Maud born 1470 died 1555
  Maude E. born Cir 1880
  Maude Mary born Abt 1890 died 30 Jul 1968
  Maude born Cir 1880
  Maureen born Cir 1940
  Maureen born Cir 1940
  Maureen born Cir 1935
  Maureen born Abt 1946
  Maureen born Cir 1950
  Maureen born Cir 1950
  Maureen born Cir 1925
  Maureen born Cir 1950
  Maureen born Cir 1955
  Mavis Margaret born Cir 1930
  Mavis born Cir 1935
  Mavis born Cir 1935
  Mavis born Cir 1915
  Mavis born Abt 1910
  May Cotura born Cir 1890
  May Elizabeth born 2 Jul 1838
  May born Cir 1930
  May born Cir 1835
  May born 1900
  May born Abt 1866
  May born Cir 1910
  May born 1820 died 1850
  Meaghan born Cir 1995
  Megan born Cir 1975
  Melanie born 24 Jun 1976
  Melanie born Cir 1975
  Melchi (Melki) ha David ben Janna born 122 B.C.
  Melena born Cir 1870
  Melissa born Cir 1975
  Melka born Cir 2170 B.C.
  Mellina born 1817 died Nov 1850
  Melodie born Cir 1955
  Melody Adele born Cir 1940
  Melos born Cir 1930
  Mercia Ellenor born Cir 1894 died 1969
  Mercy born 1640 died 1681
  Mercy born 1640
  Merril Dorothy born Cir 1945
  Meryl born Cir 1940
  Methuselah (Mattushakakh Mathusalam) "The Man of the Dart/Light Spear" ben Enoch born 3313 B.C. died 2344 B.C.
  Michael (Mike) born Cir 1950
  Michael born Cir 1985
  Michael born Cir 1965
  Michael born Cir 1945
  Michael born Cir 1960
  Michael born Cir 1945
  Michele born Cir 1970
  Michele born Cir 1970
  Michelia born Cir 1870
  Michella born Cir 1970
  Michelle born Cir 1970
  Michelle born Cir 1966
  Michelle born Cir 1950
  Michelle born 1978
  Michelle born Cir 1960
  Michelle born Cir 1985
  Michelle born Cir 1985
  Michelle born Cir 1960
  Michelle born Cir 1985
  Michelle born Cir 1965
  Michelle born Cir 1955
  Michelle born Cir 1960
  Michelle born Cir 1990
  Mikalia born Cir 2000
  Mike born Cir 1960
  Mildred born Cir 1920 died Between 2000 and 2005
  Millicent born Cir 1870 died 1957
  Millicent born 1829
  Millie born Abt 1880
  Millie born Cir 1890
  Mina born Cir 1920
  Minna Rose born Abt 1871 died Bef 11 Dec 1952
  Minnie G. born Cir 1875
  Minnie born Cir 1890
  Minnie born Cir 1890
  Minnie born 1866 died 22 Mar 1951
  Minnie born Cir 1875
  Minnieb born Cir 1895
  Miranda born Cir 1970
  Miriam born 1849
  Mirriam (Mina) born Cir 1905
  Mitchell born Cir 1975
  Moda of Troy
  Moira born Cir 1944
  Mollie born Abt 1915
  Mollie born Abt 1882
  Molly born Cir 1935
  Molly born Cir 1920
  Mona Charlotte born 1921 died 1982
  Monica born 1924 died 2004
  Morgan born Cir 1970
  Mossie born Cir 1900
  Moya born Cir 1925
  Mualeleth bat Enos
  Mucia Tertia born Cir 125 B.C.
  Muderic born Cir 620
  Munderic born Abt 500
  Muriel Alice born Cir 1880
  Muriel Irene born Cir 1915
  Muriel Rose born Cir 1930
  Muriel born Cir 1945
  Muriel born 1166
  Muriel born Cir 1910
  Muriel born Cir 1930
  Murray born 1868 died May 1950
  Mylene born Cir 1950
  Myrtle A. born 8 Feb 1902 died 5 Jan 1978
  Myrtle born Cir 1920
  Myrtle born Cir 1910
  Myrtle born Cir 1920 died 1988
  Myrtle born Cir 1915
  Myrtle born Cir 1900
  Nadine born Cir 1920
  Nahor (Nahur Nachor) "Pleasant Mountain" of Ur and Agade (King) born 2150 B.C. died 2002 B.C.
  Nance Speers born Cir 1910 died 1977
  Nancey Ann born Cir 1820
  Nancy Irene born Cir 1925
  Nancy K. born Cir 1930
  Nancy Lorette born Cir 1925
  Nancy born Cir 1837
  Nancy born Cir 1830 died 27 Jun 1858
  Nancy born 1824
  Nancy born Cir 1930
  Nancy born Cir 1935
  Nancy born 1789
  Nancy born Abt 1800
  Nancy born Cir 1800
  Nancy born Cir 1950
  Nancy born Cir 1910
  Nancy born Cir 1910
  Nancy born Cir 1935
  Nancy born Cir 1915
  Nancy born Cir 1775
  Nancy born Cir 1925
  Naomi born Abt 1828
  Naomi born 1981
  Narida born Cir 1940
  Natalie born Cir 1970
  Natalie born Cir 1965
  Natalie born Cir 1980
  Natasha born Abt 1971
  Natasha born Cir 1975
  Nathan born Cir 1990
  Natisha born Cir 1970
  Naylor born 1553
  Nedrida Julie born Cir 1955
  Neill born Cir 1965
  Nell born Cir 1895
  Nell born Abt 1902
  Nell born Abt 1900 died Abt 1930
  Nellie born Cir 1915
  Nellie born Cir 1890
  Nellie born Cir 1890
  Nellie born Cir 1924
  Nellie born Cir 1900
  Nellie born Abt 1926
  Nellie born Cir 1870
  Nellie born Cir 1910
  Nelly born Cir 1744 died After 1820
  Nelly born Cir 1920
  Nero Claudius Drusus of Gaul (Governor) born Cir 0030 B.C.
  Neville born Cir 1965
  Neville born Cir 1940
  Neville born Cir 1955
  Neville born Cir 1945
  Ngawini (Wendy) born Cir 1960
  Nicholas born Cir 1985
  Nicki born Cir 1970
  Nicky born Cir 1970
  Nicolas born Cir 1965
  Nicolas born Cir 1975
  Nicole born Cir 1985
  Nicole born Cir 1970
  Nicole born 18 Oct 1982
  Nigel born Cir 1960
  Nikky born 9 Apr cir1975
  Noah (Nuh Noe Gabrial Menachem Or Noeas ben Lamech born 2944 B.C. died 1933 B.C.
  Noam bat Seth
  Nola born Cir 1945
  Nola born 1900c
  Nola born Cir 1950
  Nola born Cir 1930
  Nora born Abt 1911
  Nora born Abt 1923
  Nora born Cir 1910
  Norah Elizabeth born Cir 1880
  Norah born Cir 1870
  Norbrii of Northumbria (King) born Cir 504
  Noreen born Cir 1920
  Noreen born Cir 1935
  Norma Lesley born Cir 1930
  Norma Mary born 4 Feb 1903 died 21 Jan 1990
  Norma born Cir 1930 died 9 Aug 1968
  Norma born Cir 1930
  Norma born Cir 1930
  Norma born Cir 1940
  Norma born Cir 1930
  Norma born Cir 1920
  Norma born Cir 1925
  Norman born Cir 1935
  Not Known
  Numerius Julius Caesar of Rome born Cir 310 B.C.
  Octavia Younger (bint Gauis) of Rome born 30 Jan 69 B.C. died 1 Jan 0010 B.C.
  Oda born Cir 555
  Odin (Ooinn Woden Woutan) of Sweden (King)
  Odin (Woden Woutan) of Scandinavia of Asgard Overlord of Anglo-Saxons (King) born Cir 210-215 died 306
  Ogn of Norway (Princess) born Cir 414
  Ogne of Northumbria (Princess) born Cir 530
  Olene born Cir 1965
  Olga born Cir 1940
  Olga born Cir 1925
  Olive Irene Helme born 1892 died 1948
  Olive Mary born Cir 1900
  Olive Noreen born Cir 1925
  Olive born Cir 1905
  Olive born Cir 1900
  Olive born Cir 1930
  Olwyn born Cir 1925
  Olwynne born 1935
  Ora bt Ur born 2210 B.C.
  Orboda born Cir 218
  Osburh born Cir 820
  Osvaldo born Cir 1950
  Otgina (Ogive) born Cir 1000
  Pam born Cir 1955
  Pam born Cir 1960
  Pam born 1950
  Pam born Cir 1950
  Pamela Ann born Cir 1945
  Pamela Ann born Cir 1945
  Pamela born Cir 1940
  Pamela born 5 Aug cir 1950
  Pamela born Cir 1940
  Pamela born 1943
  Pamela born Cir 1960
  Pamela born Cir 1930
  Pamela born Cir 1940
  Panayiota born Cir 1900
  Pat ? born Cir 1945
  Pat born Abt 1938
  Pat born Cir 1945
  Pat born Cir 1915
  Patience born 1676
  Patience born 1830 died 1899
  Patricia Alice born Cir 1950
  Patricia Anne born Cir 1950
  Patricia Mary (Pat) born Cir 1940
  Patricia born Cir 1955
  Patricia born Cir 1930
  Patricia born 1942
  Patricia born Abt 1923
  Patricia born Cir 1940
  Patricia born Cir 1965
  Patricia born Abt 1915
  Patricia born Cir 1950
  Patrick born Cir 1850
  Patty born Cir 1960
  Paul born Cir 1950
  Paul born Cir 1965
  Paul born Cir 1950
  Paul born 1986
  Paul born Cir 1965
  Paul born Cir 1960
  Paul born Cir 1950
  Paul born Cir 1970
  Paul born Cir 1950
  Pauline Joy born Cir 1950
  Pauline Nancy born Cir 1940
  Pauline born Cir 1945
  Pauline born Cir 1940
  Pauline born Cir 1960
  Pauline born Cir 1945
  Pauline born Cir 1945
  Pauline born 19 Oct 1961 died 11 Aug 2024
  Pearl Eveline born 1903 died 1966
  Pearley born Cir 1925
  Peg born Abt 1917
  Peg born Cir 1915
  Peleg (Pelag Falikh ) "The Semite" of Babylon ben Eber born 2241 B.C. died 2003 B.C.
  Pemberton born Cir 1875
  Penarden "Julia Victoria" of the Iceni (Icenea) verch Bran (Prasutagus) (Queen) born 40 died After 100
  Pepin I of Landen born Cir 580
  Pepin II born 635 died 16 Dec 714
  Pepin III born 715 died 24 Sep 768
  Percival (Percy) Hamilton born Cir 1860
  Peta born Cir 1955
  Peter the Cruel born Cir 1330
  Peter born Cir 1960
  Peter born Cir 1930
  Peter born Cir 1960
  Peter born Cir 1940
  Peter born Cir 1940
  Peter born Cir 1965
  Peter born Cir 1920
  Peter born Cir 1960
  Petra born Cir 1958
  Petra born Cir 1955
  Petronilla born 825
  Petronilla born Cir 1260 died 25 Nov 1325
  Pharnabaszus de Daskyleion Satrap born 435 B.C. died After 373 B.C.
  Phebe born Cir 1806
  Phebe born Abt 1841
  Phebe born Abt 1799 died 10 Oct 1841
  Phebe born Cir 1809
  Phebe born 1831
  Phebe born Cir 1750
  Pheobe born 1799
  Philamena born Cir 1950
  Philip born Cir 1500
  Philipa born Cir 1680
  Philippa born 1334
  Phillipa born 1830
  Phillipe born Cir 1620
  Phoebe E. born Cir 1880
  Phoebe born Cir 1880
  Phoebe born Cir 1830
  Phoebe born 1808
  Phoebe born Cir 1785
  Phoebe born Abt 1841
  Phoebe born Cir 1780
  Phoede born 1756
  Phylis born Cir 1920
  Phyliss born Cir 1935
  Phyllis born Cir 1910
  Phyllis born Cir 1900
  Phyllis born Abt 1910-1925
  Phyllis born Cir 1880
  Phyllis born Cir 1930
  Phyllis born Cir 1920
  Phyllis born Cir 1925
  Phyllis born Cir 1925
  Phyllise born Cir 1935
  Pietr born Abt 1971
  Pippin born Cir 755
  Polly born Cir 1900
  Pompeia Minor Pompeius born 100 B.C. died Cir 46 B.C.


[No Surname], <, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, >

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