Joseph Shoosmith Morris
Ann Marchant
Benjamin Morris
Mary Ann Sturt
(Abt 1819-1855)
Samuel Sturt Morris


Family Links

1. Martha Cozens

Samuel Sturt Morris

  • Born: 1845, Southover, Lewes, Sussex England
  • Marriage (1): Martha Cozens on 10 Apr 1871 in All Saints, Lewes, East Sussex England

  General Notes:

BIRTH: Civil Reg. Refce. March 1845, Lewes, 7, 420.
1851 CENSUS: At High Street, Southover, son, unmarried, age given as 6, occupat i on as "at home" and birthplace as Southover, Sussex. (HO 107, 1643, folio 319. )
1861 CENSUS: Living at 5 High Street, Southover, son, aged 16, occupation schol a r and birthplace given as Southover, Sussex. (RG9, 587, 89a.)
1871 CENSUS: Living at Friar's Walk, Lewes, lodger, unmarried, age 26, occupati o n brewer's clerk and birthplace Lewes, Sussex. (RG10, 1067, 132, 15.)
MARRIAGE: Civil Reg. Refce. June 1871, Lewes, 2b, 281.
1881 CENSUS: Living at 55 Blackstock Road, Hornsey, Middlesex, head, married, a g e 36, occupation commerce clerk and birthplace Lewes, Sussex. (RG11/1376, 114 , 8 .)
1901 CENSUS: Living at Ilford, Essex, head, married, age 56, occupation gas sec r etary and birthplace Lewes, Sussex. (RG13, 1649, 149, 22.)

Samuel married Martha Cozens on 10 Apr 1871 in All Saints, Lewes, East Sussex England. (Martha Cozens was born about 1845 in Lewes, East Sussex England and died before 1901.)


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