John Elmsmore
(Cir 1730-)
Lucy Jeffrey
(Cir 1730-)
William Williamson
Margaret Elmsmore
Matthew Williamson


Family Links

1. Sarah Ann Ratcliffe

Matthew Williamson

  • Born: 1784
  • Marriage (1): Sarah Ann Ratcliffe

  General Notes:

Matthew Williamson and Wife Sarah Radcliffe with four children arrived on the Britomart in Van Deimans land on the 4th February 1822, also on boardwere Mr Joseph Williamson, brother of Matthew, who brought a letter of recommendation from the under secretary of state for the colonies in England,Henry Gouldburn, and appears to have been granted 800 acres of land which he located ar Broadmarsh. Joseph Senior left for England again on theEmerald December 1822, returning to Van Deimans Land on the Herione 15th April 1824, bringoing with him his sister Sarah, who in 1829 marriedCaptain William Bunster. Joseph Williamson died 1st April 1826 and is buried in St Davids Burial ground with his sister Sarah, he is described as amerchant of Hobart.
Matthew and Sarah had another child biorn in Van Deimans Land, Lucy who married John Western and went to Sydney in 1860.
In 1827 Matthew and his wife Sarah seem to have been living in Elizabeth Street Hobart with their children. Childrern named as follows: Matthew aged13, Edmund aged 11 and Joseph aged 6. This was taken from a childrens census - Archives of tasmania CSA 1/22a p27. In the same census Rosetta wasgiven as ageds 11, living in Campbell St. Both parents listed as living and being protestant.
On the 8th january 1840, land was conveyanced to matthew Williamson by Jogn Tidwell. This land was on the road to Paraclette, which is presumablyMount Stuarty Road, Hobart ASrea. At this time Matthew is recorded as living at "Cloudy House" near Hobart (Reg Deeds 3/370. In June 1847, MichaelDunn converyed a piece of land fronting on to Bathurst Street to matthew Eilliamson but this clould not be indentified by the Archieves Office oftasmania (Reg Deeds 3/2887).

It seems likely that Matthew as a grocer in kent at some time and then he took up farming in Tasmania returniong to the grocwery business in hisold age.

It is said that a bank draft waas sent from England for Matthew Williamson so that he could "come Home:" Itv was never cashed, for it arrived theyear that Matthew died. Also it is said there were many old letters written to Matthew from England. These dated from his early days in Tasmania.These ans the bank draft reamianed in the family until the death of a descendant of Rosetta Chant, when they were burnt in the 1920's to 30's by aperson who thought them of no value.

Matthew married Sarah Ann Ratcliffe. (Sarah Ann Ratcliffe was born in 1781.)


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