William Williamson
Margaret Elmsmore
Matthew Williamson
Sarah Ann Ratcliffe
Joseph Edmund Williamson


Family Links

1. Isabella Dixon

Joseph Edmund Williamson

  • Born: 1819
  • Marriage (1): Isabella Dixon

  General Notes:

Joseph Edmund Williamson, son of Matthew Williamson and Sarah, nee Radcliffe of Gastler was born on 29th November 1818, the family were living inthe Villa of St Gregory, St Marys Northgate Canterbury. (taken from the baptismal records at Canterbury Cathedral) Joseph would have been about 4years old when the family arrived in van deimans land. There was another brother Edmund Joseph born 1820. Joseph & Isabella Arrived at GeelongVictoria from launceston on the Shamrock on the 29th July 1847

Joseph andf family left Van Deimans Land arrived at Colac 1847 via the Shamrock.

Obituary : Mr Joseph Williamson (by Issak) Published by Coloc paper 1911

Tlo the long list of deaths that have taken place amongst the elderly during the past few months, there must now be added obe more. Yesterday theuniversal reaper claimed Mr Joseph Williamson, who we believe was thew oldest resident of the district. The deceased who had reached his 92nd year,first sighted Lake Coloc in 1847, and has been a resident of ther town and district ever since, a period of 64 years. This event carries us back tothe day when Colac was a mere way side town, with its "Crook and Plaid," as its central rallying point. Mr Williamson although not actively engagedin public affairs, may be regarded as typical of that large class of humble workers _ the rank and file_ to whom we are so much indebted for thesteady and uniform growth in the town to its present proportions. the late Mr Williamson was born in Canterbury Kewnt on the 23rd of September 1818,his father being a church of england minister in that town. In 1822 the father was inducteds to imigrate to Tasmania, where the family resided for anumber of years. It was there that Joseph married his first wife. In 1847 the deceased with his wife and young family, came over to Geelong andwerer almost immediately engaged as employees by the late Mr Stodart, whi than had a station at Colac. In the following year the family returned toColac, purchasing an allotment of land at the east end (junction of Murray and Fiorest streets) as a site for a residence. When gold was discovouredat ballarat in 1851, Mr Williamson, in cxompany with severral other local residents weere attracted thither, and being fairly successful, hereturned and purchaseds 50 acres of land at Birragurra, where he engaged in farming pursuits for the next eight years. His experiences there for thefirst two years were rather disasterous,. his first crop was burnt out by a bush fire, and he estimated his loss at 300 pounds. At this period, itmay be stated oats were worth 15/- per bushell. The next year hew suffered heavily with the grubs, which were prevelent in the early days allthrough the district. returning to Colac ghe purchased an allotmewnt of land in Murray Street (now owned by Messrs Morrison and Hebb), where hecarried on a grocery store for some time. The deceased had by his first wife six xhildren, only two of whom arew now living, Mrs D Price ofBirragurra, and Mrs Lewis Chant of Warrion. Bt his second marriage there are nibne surviving children viz;- Mrs J Ross and Mr A Williamson of Colac,Mrs Cleeland, and Mrs Annerstadt, and Messrs William, John, Harold, Chester and Walter Williamsaon, nearly all of whom reside in Melbourne. Theremains of the deceased will be conveyed to-morrow (Thursday) afternoon from the residence of Mrs Ross to the warncoort cemetery.

Joseph married Isabella Dixon. (Isabella Dixon was born in 1817.)


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