Charles Wilson
Sarah Lightfoot
George Wilson
Ann Hood Heppleston
Charles Henry Wilson


Family Links

1. Hannah Greenhalgh

Charles Henry Wilson

  • Born: 1862, Hunslet, Leeds, West Yorkshire England
  • Marriage (1): Hannah Greenhalgh in 1886 in Bolton, Lancashire England
  • Died: 1924, Wellington, New Zealand at age 62

  General Notes:

bet. July and September
1871 Census RG10/4552 Leeds : George Wilson 33, brewery drayman born in Ab erford, Ann 33 born in Leeds, Charles H. 8, Sarah E. 7 days - born in Leed s

1881 Census RG11/4594 Castleford : Cemetery Lane, George Wilson 42 coal mi ner born in Aberford, Ann 43 born in Leeds, Charles Henry 19, born in Huns let, George 16, Robert 13, Sarah Ellen 10 - born in Leeds, Pollie 6 bo rn in Castleford, Annie 6, born in Leeds, Joe 3, born in Castleford

1891 Census RG12/3099 Middle Hulton : 461 St Helens Road, Charles Wilso n, 28, coal miner born in Leeds, Hannah 30, cotton weaver born in Darcy Le ver, George W. 3, born in Bolton

1901 Census RG13/3604 Bolton : 365 St Helens Road, Charles Henry Wilson 3 8, collier born in Leeds, Hannah 40 born in Lancashire, Geo. W. 18, cott on pieces, , Violet 9 - born in Bolton, Charles Henry 6 born in Leigh, Lan cs., Ann Hood Wilson, mother, widow, 62 born in Leeds, Amey Wilson sist er 18, cotton weaver born in Leeds

Address at Marr.: Briggate, Leeds

Dir/Elec. Roll: 1922, Labourer at 4 Te Whiti Street, Kilbirnie, Wellington
Emigration: Came to NZ c1919 when aged about 57.

"This is the last Will and Testament of me Charles Henry Wilson of 4 Te Wh iti St Kilbirnie in the city of Wellington made this Twelfth day of Augu st in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four. I he reby revoke all Wills made by me at any time heretofore. I appoint Robe rt Davison of 34(?) Connaught Terrace Brooklyn to be my executor, and dire ct that all my Debts and Funeral Expenses shall
be paid as soon as conveniently may be after my decease. I give and bequea th unto My son Charles Henry Wilson, any property which I may possess, al so all monies payable on my death, all furniture, clothing, tools or any o ther property not mentioned. (In very shaky handwriting the signature:) Ch arles Henry Wilson."

There were some queries about the will and Robert Davidson signed an affid avit that said amongst other things:
"(5) THAT to the best of my knowledge information and belief the estate ef fects and credits of the said deceased in repect of which Probate is soug ht to be obtained are under the value of (Pounds)900.
(6) THAT the said deceased was born in Leeds in England of British paren ts and was at his birth a British subject and was never at any time reside nt in or the subject of any foreign state or sovereign.
(7) THAT I was born in Bolton in England aforesaid, and am and always ha ve been a British subject."

  Noted events in his life were:

• Occupation: Coal Miner, Labourer.

Charles married Hannah Greenhalgh in 1886 in Bolton, Lancashire England. (Hannah Greenhalgh was born about 1861 in Darcy Lever, Lancashire England and died in 1922 in Wellington, New Zealand.)

  Marriage Notes:

bet. April-June


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