William Williams
(Cir 1770-)
(Cir 1770-)
John Williams


Family Links

1. Gwenllian

John Williams

  • Born: 1794, Madley, Herefordshire England
  • Marriage (1): Gwenllian
  • Died: 1874, Clyro, Radnoshire, Cymru Wales UK at age 80

  General Notes:

The following members of the Williams Family appear in the1841 Census, living at "Cwm".

John aged 40 Ag.Lab.
Margaret 13
Thomas 11
Mary 10
William 9
Walter 7
James 6.

There is also a Mary aged 50 female servant living with themso it is possible that "Ann" was dead by then.

All the children were born in Radnorshire but not the father"John".

In 1851 census aged 55 - still living at CWM with wife - Gwenny- born in Breconshire - HK?

Grandson Charles aged 2 is on premises

In 1861 census - aged 67 - market gardner making him born in1794

Gwenny - his wife is now 50/56 - born in Dyfynog, Breconshire

In 1871 he is described as 78 - making him born in 1793
_LOD 52
_LOM 01
_LOS 59
_LON 0
_LAD 02
_LAM 50
_LAS 059
_LAN 1
_LOD 52
_LOM 04
_LOS 59
_LON 0
_LAD 03
_LAM 09
_LAN 1

  Noted events in his life were:

• Agricultaral Lbourer, 1841-1851, Clyro, Radnoshire, Cymru Wales UK.

John married Gwenllian. (Gwenllian was born in 1805 in Defynog, Powys, Wales UK, christened on 2 Jan 1805 in Defynog, Powys, Wales UK and died in 1889 in Clyro, Radnoshire, Cymru Wales UK.)


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