Norman Tandy 1130
- Born: Cir 1930
- Partnership (1): Betty Rae (Jacko) Felstead
Research Notes:
Melissa Felstead notes: There has been a lot of confusion and mis communication on my line of the family about were we come from in regards to the Felstead origin. I have Been told by some family we descend from Germany? And another suggest we came on the May flower. I have been researching my family history for three years and even though I can not be sure I find this hard to believe and not accurate. I can see we can trace back to Hertfordshire and Benjamin & Lydia immigrated to Australia ,perhaps it's before this I wonder we're Felstead originated before England would love to know your thoughts on this?? I do have a potential photograph of William Felstead but I'm waiting for confirmation from the owner..
My line of family just a direct line to me. I do have all other relatives if you would like these as well these are Felstead's and there wives. Betty Felstead never married N.Tandy but they did have 9 children together. My dad Michael one of the 9.
Benjamin & Lydia There son: William Felstead 1856-1950 & Elizabeth Halcroft there son: Thomas Felstead 1899-1962 & Lila Charnock There daughter: Betty Rae Felstead 1930-2010 & Norman Tandy There son: Michael Felstead & cristene Parker There daughter me: Melissa Felstead & Thomas Vantaggiato William & Elizabeth have a great family history through the Halcrofts large families loads of history Betty & Norman Tandy have and extremely complex family tree on the Tandy's a lot of time spent on this tree just to work out who is who, amazing side of the family.
Noted events in his life were:
• connection. 1130
Norman had a relationship with Betty Rae (Jacko) Felstead, daughter of Thomas John Felstead and Lilla Pearl Charnock. (Betty Rae (Jacko) Felstead was born in 1930 in Bathurst, NSW Australia and died in 2010 1130.)