Frederick Henry Riach
- Born: 22 Aug 1851, Campbelltown, Sydney, NSW Australia 8
- Marriage (1): Anne Victoria (Yachten Bat Yosef) Collins on 28 Feb 1874 in Goulburn, NSW Australia 8
Noted events in his life were:
• connection. 8,1185
Frederick married Anne Victoria (Yachten Bat Yosef) Collins, daughter of Joseph (Yosef Ben Yerutiel) Collins and Lydia (Leah Bat) Marks, on 28 Feb 1874 in Goulburn, NSW Australia.8 (Anne Victoria (Yachten Bat Yosef) Collins was born on 7 Sep 1852 in Goulburn, NSW Australia 8 and died on 14 May 1934 in Wagga Wagga, NSW Australia 8.)