Elizabeth Salmon or Selmon
- Born: 3 Jun 1808, Newport, Shropshire England
- Christened: 8 Jun 1808
- Marriage (1): Samuel Jackson in 1825 in Macclesfield, Cheshire England
- Marriage (2): John Totnes Blackmore on 4 Feb 1852 in St Michaels, Christchurch New Zealand
- Died: 22 Sep 1885, Papanui, Christchurch New Zealand at age 77
- Buried: St Pauls, Papanui, Christchurch New Zealand
General Notes:
Gerald Jackson notes: I am the great-great-great grandson of Elizabeth via her son James
Research Notes:
source: Susan O'Hara who notes: She was the head housekeeper for Duke of Devonshire until coming to NZ in 1851.
She and Levi his wife Harriet nee Kemp and daughter Emma, George and his wife Harriett nee Southall, Sarah and her husband William Goostrey and their son James, Samuel Charles, Ambrose and Elizabeth set sail 2 months after the census in 1851 on board the Bangalore and Elizabeth is listed as widow.....no record of Samuel's death) He we think died in 1850's The Duke gave them 50 pounds and some China towards their trip
Elizabeth sailed to New Zealand with all her children, 2 daughter in laws and two grandchildren But Samuel did not arrive. She was listed as head of the house in 1851 census I think I found Samuel in Sutton as a lodger. She was listed 2 months later as a widow on the shipping logs but have found no deaths for Samuel. He was charged with manslaughter around 1846 but was found not guilty.She remarried in New Zealand and her second husband she said was a drunk like her first. Remarried John Blackmore 4 February 1852 at St Michael's Church, Christchurch. John Blackmore was a labourer and widowed. His father was John David Blackmore (Tailor). He died, according to Papers Past (Star) around 1874 with Elizabeth being sole executor. Elizabeth was the daughter of a Carter and married Samuel young may have even been pregnant with Levi as even after all this time have never found a birth date or year for him. Their children were born in various areas around Macclesfield. It was John Totnes Blackmore Direct Relations believed that Elizabeth was employed as the head housekeeper at The Duke of Devonshire's residence Chatsworth across the border in Devon but as he was away a lot the house was run by a skeleton staff. The Duke had lent fifty pounds per sibling and family and 50 pounds for Elizabeth to plus he gave her some China and other furnishings for her new life in New Zealand. He also gave them a letter of introduction to Robert Chapman a wealthy land owner in Canterbury. I have no proof but due to Samuel's absence after the court appearance I have a suspicion that the bachelor duke may be the father to youngest child Elizabeth.. The above info is backed up by the fifty year celebration Ambrose had in 1901 where he stated every penny was paid back to the duke by the family. When Elizabeth came to New Zealand in 1851 aboard the "Bangalore", she was listed as a widow [July 2008 Jackson.ged.FTW] [1106743.ged.FTW] Elizabeth was born in Shropshire the daughter of William Selmon. There is some confusion over the spelling of her last name and on various official documents it is spelt..Sellman Sellmon Selmon and Salmon. The Closest fact I can go by is the birth of a grandson William Selman Jackson ..third child of Levi and Harriett so I have gone with this spelling as Elizabeth was in her forties when he was born and could spell her own name by this time but any spelling is excepted from this error as at the time most people relied on the local church to spell the name. She came to Cheshire at some stage as she married at the age of 16 to Samuel Jackson at the Prestbury church in 1825. Samuel had various types of work including weaver, Labourer and cabinet maker. At some stage soon after marriage Levi their first child was born. They are next found in Sutton where George, Sarah and James were born. Then in 1851 they are found in Beach Street Macclesfield but Samuel is not on the Census record for that address. I do not know where he was but the family rumour from her son Charles is that Samuel went to America on the request of the Duke of Devonshire who Elizabeth was employed by and the Head Housekeeper and never returned. I have spent many hours researching the Cheshire connection and why if Elizabeth was the head housekeeper why would she and her family leave for New Zealand. I contacted the Dukes descendants to inquire about wage books etc but have not been able to verify that she worked there, however a newspaper article celebrating her son Ambrose fiftieth year in New Zealand in 1901 in the Waimate Times states that the Duke lent her the money to help buy passage to New Zealand and that the family was given some household effects from him. It also states that the family paid him back in full. Chatsworth was the largest Private estate in England and the duke spent nine months in Russia as consort from the Queen awaiting the marriage of the Tzar so Chatsworth was closed down and only essential services carried out. I assume because of this Elizabeth was not required so maybe the family was with out wages for all this time. This could have been the reason they chose to immigrate. Elizabeth is listed as married on the 1851 census in March then widow on the ships manifest in May so maybe the reported death of Samuel decided their fate. Although I have found NO record of his death in UK prior to them leaving for New Zealand. They travelled to Gravesend and on the way they registered the births of Levi's daughter Emma and and son James at Cheadle...their were some Salmons living there at this time so maybe they travelled to say goodbye to Elizabeth's family. Anyway she and Levi and his wife and daughter, George and his wife Sarah and her Husband and son, and her other children Samuel, James, Charles, Ambrose and Young Elizabeth sailed on the Bangalore to New Zealand. Levi and George acting as Constables on the ship over. There is a ship board Diary by the ships doctor held at the Canterbury Museum which mentions nine year old Ambrose but other wise there is no mention in the on board diaries. I have only hearsay to prove the next few months of her life in the new country. The men of the family it is said went up to North Canterbury and worked on Robert Chapmans large farm and the women stayed in Lyttelton for a few weeks. Elizabeth selling some of the China the duke had given her to raise money to lease land in Papanui. From the Ship's log of the 'Bangalore', barque, 877 tons, sailed from the UK 9 May, 1851 and arrived Lyttelton, New Zealand 21 August. Travelled in Steerage class.
She also notes: Elizabeth arrived on the Bangalore in 1851 with her son Levi Jackson, his wife Harriett, his daughter Emma, also on board were George and Harriet Jackson nee Southall ( Elizabeth's son and D in Law) Sarah Anne and William Goostrey ( nee Jackson) and their son James (Elizabeth's Daughter) and the following sons and daughter of Elizabeth were on the ship James, Ambrose, Charles, Samuel and Elizabeth junior. We have never traced her 1st husbands death and hope after they separated he died prior to her re-marrying John Totnes Blackmore. Samuel Jackson was tried for Manslaughter for encouraging a bar brawl but was found not guilty He was a drunkard and Elizabeth is listed in the 1851 census as head of household ... He lived 20 miles away. She moved to Papanui where she met John Totnes who was a widower with 3 young sons. They married on 4th February 1852 at St Michaels all Angels church in Centre of Christchurch by the hospital and had one child who died at birth. I went to the Anglican archives and have a copy of their marriage. Also written in the family Bible John was a bit of a drinker also and may be he spent the money meant to register marriage on a tankard or two who knows.
Noted events in her life were:
• connection.
• connection.
• connection. 1107
Elizabeth married Samuel Jackson in 1825 in Macclesfield, Cheshire England. (Samuel Jackson was born circa 1805.)
Elizabeth next married John Totnes Blackmore, son of John W. Blackmore and Thomasin Hayward, on 4 Feb 1852 in St Michaels, Christchurch New Zealand. (John Totnes Blackmore was born in 1804 in Devon England, christened on 8 Sep 1805 in Hemyock, Devon England, died on 5 Oct 1874 in Flaxton, Waimakariri, North Canterbury, New Zealand and was buried in Flaxton, North Canterbury, New Zealand.)