Susannah Leah Jackson


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1. Thomas Augustus Lloyd

Susannah Leah Jackson

  • Born: 30 Aug 1859, Glebe, Sydney, NSW Australia 1104
  • Marriage (1): Thomas Augustus Lloyd on 10 Jun 1879 in St Barnabas Anglican Church, Broadway, Sydney, NSW Australia 1104

Susannah married Thomas Augustus Lloyd on 10 Jun 1879 in St Barnabas Anglican Church, Broadway, Sydney, NSW Australia.1104 (Thomas Augustus Lloyd was born on 14 May 1846 in NSW Australia and died in 1918 in Newcastle, NSW Australia.)

  Marriage Notes:

Tim Hill notes:
Their divorce was reported in the paper on 26 February 1892:
Mr Noble appeared for the petitioner, Susannah Lloyd, who sought a divorce from her husband Thomas Augustus Lloyd, on the ground of cruelty and adultory There was no appearance for the re- spondent. The parties weremarried on the 18th June 1870, at St Barnabas Church, Parramatta street, Sydney, and they lived happily together for about six months. When they were living at Bathurst the respondent was very cruel to petitioner and used to beat her. On one occasion respondent took out a knife to his wife and threatened her and in consequence of this she left her husband. Petitioner had to earn her living for six months, but she returned to her husband upon his solicitations. They lived together for three years and a half during which time respondent illtreatedd his wife. He then deserted her and went to Queensland with a woman. He remained away for five years and a half, when he returned to Sydney and petitioner consented to rejoin her husband, but respondent subsequently committed adultery and she left him finally.
His HONOR found the issues proved, and granted a decree nisi."


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