Stephen Maynard Stevens
Hannah Gray
William Henry Neighbors
Ann Eliza Stevens
Clyde Neighbors


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1. Myrtle Houston

Clyde Neighbors

  • Born: 23 Aug 1891
  • Marriage (1): Myrtle Houston on 20 Apr 1920 in Liberty, Missouri USA

  General Notes:

Ken Gray notes:
Clyde Neighbors, b. 23rd Aug 1891; m. at Liberty, Mo. 20th April 1920 Miss Myrtle Houston (both of Kansas City, Mo.) He is living (1920) in Kansas City, Mo. working for an ice company. With the rank of Private and under the Selective Draft, he entered the service in the recent World War, at Kansas City, Mo. 11th May 1918, in Co. B. 55th Infantry; sent to Jefferson Barracks and later to Camp McAuthur, in Texas. Was sent overseas - left New York 1st Aug. 1918 on the transport "Laviathia"; arrived at Brest (France) 11th Aug. 1918; was brigaded with Co. H, 103rd Infantry, 28th Division, American Expeditionary Forces. His actual fighting commenced 7th Sept. 1918 in the reduction of the San Michael Silence. While still in the San Michael drive, 12th Sept., 1918 he as wounded in the thigh by a fragment of shrapnel and was removed to the hospital. Returned to his company, then in Argonne Forests, 18th Oct. 1918 and remained there until 5th Nov. when he was sent again to the hospital. During these nineteen days in the Argonne, he was continually in the firing line and in some of the fiercest fighting in which the American forces were engaged during the war. He "went over the top" three times. After being sent to the hospital, 5th Nov. he did not get back to his company until after the armistice was signed and then of course the war was over. He re-embarked for home at Brest, 28th March, 1919; arrived at Boston, 5th April 1919; discharged at Louisville, Ky., 19th April 1919. Unfortunately (and probably owing to his transfer to the 26th Division and confusion of the records ) his discharge did not credit him with any over-seas service at all and it is possible that the records will never be compiled to give him credit for the service he actually performed.

Clyde married Myrtle Houston on 20 Apr 1920 in Liberty, Missouri USA. (Myrtle Houston was born circa 1895 in Kansas City, Missouri USA.)


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