Anthony Manning?
(Cir 1745-)
Susannah Towills
William Hansford Towells
Hannah Parsons
(Abt 1783-1857)
Charles Towels


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Charles Towels

  • Born: 1805, Ilminster, Somerset England
  • Christened: 9 Jun 1805, Ilminster, Somerset England
  • Died: 1857, Ilminster, Somerset England at age 52
  • Buried: 6 Oct 1857, Ilminster, Somerset England

   Another name for Charles was Hansford.

  General Notes:


? in all places, where there are objects worthy of detailorobservation,there should be a short printed Directory, for the use ofthestranger.?Dr.Johnson.

Ilminster is a small market town and parish in the hundred ofAbdickandBulstone, 135 miles W.S.W. from London, 48 S.S.W. from BristolandBath,and 12 S.E. from Taunton, which is the nearest railway station;itiswell built, many of the houses are large, and several of theshopsarehandsome and superior, and have the appearance of carryingonanexcellent trade. This town enjoys an especial and veryancientprivilege,that of granting licenses and proving wills. The marketplacehas latelybeen much improved; shambles which formerly stood there,andwereextremely unsightly, are now removed, and the market-househasbeenadapted to meet the public convenience with fargreateraccommodation;the Crown inn has also been newly built, and has nowacommanding stonefront which adds much to the appearance of that partoftown. Ilminsteras it stood originally was of greater extent, but owingtosevere fireswhich have from time to time taken place, its dimensionshavebeenconsiderably curtailed, the parish church, which is styledaquarterminster, and stands about the centre of the town, possessesgreatclaimsfor admiration, it is a spacious cruciform gothic edifice,itspinnacledand beautiful tower rises in graceful proportion fromtheintersection,and its peal of bells strike upon the ear with apeculiarrichness andmelody of sound; the interior of the church can boastof someveryancient monuments. There is a grammar school here, founded byEdwardtheVI th., possessing great advantages and exhibitions totheuniversities,and there is also an excellent commercial school;thebusiness of thetown principally depends upon the assiduity ofitstrades-people,formerly the woollen trade flourished here to averyconsiderable extent,but now it is nearly obselete; there is a branchofStuckey?s bank, andthere are chapels for the various Dissenters;themarket days areWednesdays and Saturdays, and an annual fair is heldonthe lastWednesday in August. The principal inns are large andcapableofaffording every accomodation, and from them run coaches dailytoTaunton,Bridport, Weymouth, &c. Ilminster is situated in avalleysurrounded by arich fertile undulating country, possessinggreatattraction as regardssalubrity and beauty of scenery; at theentrance ofthe town from theIlminster and Crewkerne roads; the lodges ofDillingtonpark ( the seatof the lord of the manor ) with its embankment,and theview of thedistant hills beyond the town, have a very strikingandpleasing effect.In the centre of this place the two main roads,viz.London and Taunton,and Bristol and Exeter, intersect each other.Themagistrates holdmonthly meetings in the winter season, and the lordofthe manor a courtannually. The population in 1841, amounted to 3,227.

Post-Office, Silver street, Post Master, William ThomasHagley.Lettersdelivered from London and all parts at 7 a.m., and fromAxminster,Chard,Lyme, Crewkerne, and Bridport, at 7 p.m. Despatches forAxminster,Chard,Lyme, Crewkerne and Bridport, at 6 30 a.m. For London andall partsat 7p.m. Box closes at 6 45 p.m. Late letters may be despatchedbyaffixingan extra stamp, till 7 p.m.

Money orders granted and paid from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m.

Painters, Plumbers, & Glaziers
Dunn James, East street
Goodrich Thomas, Silver street
Spark William, West street
Towells Charles, Court Barton

  Research Notes:

source: & Wal Towells who notes that he was AKA Hansford

  Noted events in his life were:

• Record Change, 29 Dec 2006.


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