Joseph James Sutherland
- Born: Cir 1878-1879, Parkes or Cobar, NSW Australia
- Marriage (1): Edith Ellen McMillan on 15 Jan 1903 in Cobar, NSW Australia
- Died: 1 May 1926, Newcastle, NSW Australia aged about 48
General Notes:
Greg Bell notes: Joseph was a powerful Union leader on the docks of Newcastle NSW and met a suspicious death there being crushed by a bale of paper about 170 lbs or 350 kg in the prime of his life. He was also on the 8 hour day committee and he had that much respect in the community that there where his union, marching bands and had a column in the paper reporting of his funeral & 'accidental' death.
This is the Saturday paper 1st of May 1926 reporting on the incident the day he actually succumbed to his injuries:
rdrbrdrdbrdrw10rdrcf2 of Form 1 YESTERDAY'S CASUALTIES Joseph Sutherland, aged 48 years, a wharf labourer, living in Bishlopgate Street, Wickham, was workingin the hold of the steamer Port Auckland, at Lee Wharf yesterday, when he was struck by a bale of paper that had fallen 20 feet. He was admitted to the Newcastle Hospital, suffering from a fractured pelvis and shock. Last night his condition was critical. A. J: Taylor, aged 20 years, a laborer, employed at Vickers' Commonwealth Steel Products, Waratah, had the second finger of his right hand severely crushed betcween two tyres while he was at work yesterday. He was treated at the \\Wallsend Hospital. Eric Doherty, aged 5 years, living at 50 Brooks Street, Cook's Hill, was stepping off a lorry yesterday afternoon when the lorry moved, and a wheel caught the great toe of his right foot, severing it at the first joint. He was treated at the Newcastle Hospital. While high-jumping at the Sports Ground, Cook' Hill yesterday, Ken Brock, aged 11 years, living at 54 Estell Street, Maryville, fell and sustained a fracture of the left leg below the knee. He was admitted to the Newcastle Hospital. The above casoes were taken to hospital by the Newcastle Ambulance Transport Brigade.. rdrtrdrdbrdrw10rdrcf2 Bottom of Form 1 <> <> <//> <//> <//>
The second link is the report of Joseph's funeral where my grandmother Margaret listed as Mrs V Bell and her husband Victor Bell as attendees
LATE MR. J. SUTHERLAND Mr. J. Sutherland, who was injured while at work on a steamer at Newcastle on Friday, died in hospital on Saturday. His funeral which took place yesterday from his home in Wickham was largely attended. Several hundred members of the Wharf Labourer's Union of which he was a former president marched ahead of the hearse, Messrs: C.Naughton, J. Stewart, S. Beaver, J. Hogan, W. Cummings, and W. Hyde actlng as pall-bearers. The principal mourners were Mrs. J. Sutherland (widow) Mr. Athol Sutherland (son). Mrs.V . Bell, Misses Allie, Jean. Norma, Moreen, and Irene Sutherland (daughters) Mr. H. Sutherland, NSW organisor of the Federated Engine-Driver and Fireman Association and Hector Sutherland & Hugh Sutherland (brothers), Mesdames E. F. Peacock, H. Rogers, J. Hunter, and W. Graham (sisters), Mr. V. Bell, Mesdames Hector Sutherland, Hugh Sutherland, J. Martin, T. McLeod and J. Hogan (sisters-in-law), Messers G. McLeod, J. Hogan, and A. McMillan (brothers-in-law), J. Rogers, Hector Sutherland jnr, Hugh Sutherland jnr (nephews), Misses Jessie and Ena Sutherland and M. Peacock (nieces). Upward of forty of the District Unions were represented at the funeral, including the Labor Day Committee, the Trades Hall Management Committee, the Miners Federation, the Carrington Coal and Shipping Union, Engine-Drivers and Firemen Engineers, the Great Northern Wooldumping and Stevedoring Co. Ltd., the C. and D. Line, Mr G. Booth M.P., and many of the deceased's former workmates at Cobar. The Late Mr. Sutherland, who was one of the best known and most popular figures in the trades union movement in the district, was born at Parkes 47 1/2 years ago. He was the son of the Late Mr. Hugh Sutherland , a pioneer of the Parkes, Forbes and Grenfell districts, moving to Cobar at an early age, he lived there for many years coming to Newcastlein 1919, and following here his occupation on the waterfront. Always and active unionist, he was one of the pioneer members of the Amalgamated Miner's Association in the Cobar district, and for a number of years was the secretary to the Eight-hour movement in that centre, where he was also known as a fine athlete and footballer. Rev. A. R. McVittie, M.A. officiated in the Presbyterian Cemetery Sandgate. Wreaths were laid on the grave on behalf of mother and children, brothers and sisters, fellow workmates, friends at Trades Hall, Federated Engine-Drivers and Firemen, Mr and Mrs S. Beaver, Great Northern Wooldumping and Stevedoring Co. Ltd., daughter and son-in-law, Wharf Labourers' Union, Mr. and Mrs. G. Galperin, Great Britain Hotel, Mr. W. Elliott, Mr. C. Naughton, President of the Wharf Labourers' Union officers and members of the union, M. Bell and family, Miss M. Bear, Mr. and Mrs. Mundle, Mr. and Mrs. A. Fear. rdrtrdrdbrdrw10rdrcf1 Bottom of Form 1 <> <> <//> <//> <//>
Noted events in his life were:
• connection.
Joseph married Edith Ellen McMillan, daughter of Alexander McMillan and Louisa Elizabeth Sharp, on 15 Jan 1903 in Cobar, NSW Australia. (Edith Ellen McMillan was born on 19 Aug 1886 in Bourke, NSW Australia and died on 19 Jun 1946 in Sydney, NSW Australia.)