Sarah Woolley
- Born: 14 Jan 1768, London England
- Christened: 17 Aug 1773, St Martin in the Fields, Westminster, London England
- Marriage (1): John (convict) Ryan on 5 Nov 1791 in Sydney, NSW Australia
- Marriage (2): William Mason on 20 Apr 1807 in Parramatta, Sydney, NSW Australia
- Died: 12 Apr 1809, Pitt Town, Hunter Valley, NSW Australia at age 41
Cause of her death was run over by the wheels of a chaise cart.
General Notes:
source: Edward to Dylan ged.
Research Notes:
SARAH WOOLLEY and ANN WHITE were indicted for feloniously stealing, on the 9th of October , four yards of printed cotton, value 8 s. the property of Joseph King and Robert Cottle , privily in their shop . (The witnesses examined separate.) ROBERT COTTLE sworn. I am a linen draper ; my partner's name is Joseph King; on Friday, the 9th of October, the two prisoners came into my shop; I was alone: they came in together, and conversed as they came in; Sarah Woolley asked for a remnant of printed cotton; I told her I had not a remnant of the quantity she asked for, but I would cut her some from the piece; she then desired me to shew her some; I shewed her about four pieces of printed cotton; at that time, my servant, Samuel Goff came into the shop; I called him behind the counter, and desired him to serve her, which he did; and I returned to my other business; after I had left them about one minute, my shopman, Goff, cried out R. F. which is a by-word for any shopman that discovers any robbery; that alarmed me; I came and stood by him; the prisoners seemed very troublesome; they seemed equally busy, and asked one another which they liked; and fixed on a piece, which I ordered to be cut at prime cost, in order to get rid of them; I did not like them; it was cut by Goff; I told the prisoners it came to two shillings and seven-pence halfpenny; it was a yard and a half at twenty one pence; Sarah Woolley gave me three shillings; I was giving her change, when I observed Ann White stoop to the ground; I asked her if she had dropped any thing? she smiled, and said, no; I then gave the prisoner, Sarah Woolley , the four-pence halfpenny; and I observed Ann White 's right hand was in her pocket hole; and there appeared a bulk near her right hip; they then went out of the shop; while they were walking away, I sent Goff out after them; and while he was gone, I walked round the counter, to see what they could have taken most handily: my servant, Samuel Goff , then returned with the two prisoners; I told Ann White I suspected she had robbed me; the bulk did not appear so large then; and while I was sending for a constable, I perceived a piece of cotton laying on her shoe; it was under her petticoats, and on her shoe; I took it up; it was wet and muddy; it was four yards and a half of printed cotton; the streets were dirty at that time: I sent for a constable, and took them before the lord mayor: I could not see it drop; I did not at that time, observe I had missed any printed cotton; but I had shewed it a few minutes before to a customer; my private mark is upon it, E. S. in my hand writing; I am sure I had not sold such a piece; I had seen it not five minutes before. Court. What would this piece have sold for? - About eight shillings and sixpence. How long had you had it? - About seven months. Court. I suppose you had no doubt at this time, when she stooped down, but she stole it then? - I did not know what she stooped for; but I then conceived her to be a shoplifter. SAMUEL GOFF sworn. I had been into Cheapside; when I returned, there were only these two women and Mr. Cottle in the shop; he told me to come round and shew some prints, about twenty-pence a yard; I shewed some to them both; they both conversed; and while I was shewing them, the tall woman had got a remnant of printed cotton that was on the counter, rolled up ready to put under her cloak; then I said to Mr. Cottle, R. F. and he came and stood by, and said, here is a print they have bid the cost price for; and I cut a yard and a half, at twenty one pence; she gave him three shillings, and he gave her four-pence halfpenny; the short one, White, stooped down with her hands through her pocket holes. Do not you think she took the property at that time? - Yes; Mr. Cottle asked her if she dropped any thing; she said, no, Sir; then they went out of the shop; she had her hands through her pocket hole; Mr. Cottle sent me after them; I followed them twenty yards in the street; and then I brought her back; her hand was through her pocket hole at the time; when I came into the shop, there was nothing on the counter; Mr. Cottle asked her if she had not taken some things off the counter? she said, no; he bid me fetch a constable, and then I saw Mr. Cottle pick up the cotton, partly from under her petticoats; it was on the floor, and all dirty with the marks of her feet; the constable has had it in his care ever since. - GOLDSMITH sworn. Produces the piece of cotton, which was deposed to by the prosecutor. PRISONER WOOLLEY's DEFENCE. I went into the gentleman's shop to buy a yard and a half of cotton; I agreed for it, and paid him for it, and came out of the shop about five or six doors; he brought us back, and Mr. Cottle said that she wanted to drop something; and there was a piece of cotton laying on the floor, and he said that was the piece he supposed she wanted to drop. PRISONER WHITE's DEFENCE. I went in with this young woman as she has said; and we were fetched back; I went back; this piece of cotton was laying on the floor when I went back; Mr. Cottle searched me; this piece of cotton lay about a yard from the floor. Court to Mr. Cottle. Do you say with certainty, that when the women went out of the shop, there was nothing on the floor? - I do; I made an observation. You never searched her, nor touched her at all? - Neither of them, otherwise than that she came up to me, and begged me not to do any thing to her, and took hold of my hand; I disentangled myself of course. BOTH GUILTY of stealing to the value of four shillings and six-pence , Transported for seven years . Tried by the London Jury before Mr. RECORDER
Noted events in her life were:
• Convict: on the Neptune, Jun 1790, Australia.
• alt death, 8 Oct 1809, Mulgrave Place, Parramatta, Sydney, NSW Australia.
Sarah married John (convict) Ryan on 5 Nov 1791 in Sydney, NSW Australia. (John (convict) Ryan was born in 1767 in Somerset, Somersetshire England and died in 1800 in Hawkesbury River, NSW Australia.)
Sarah next married William Mason on 20 Apr 1807 in Parramatta, Sydney, NSW Australia. (William Mason was born in 1767 in Cork, Eire, Ireland UK and died on 21 Dec 1839 in Pitt Town, Hawkesbury River, NSW Australia.)