Henry Whitby Jepson
(Cir 1810-)
Richard Woolgar
(Abt 1809-1865)
Elizabeth Shoosmith Morris
(1816-Abt 1896)
Harry Alfred Jepson
(Abt 1848-)
Hephzibah Woolgar
Mabel E. Or Edith M. Jepson
(Abt 1879-)


Family Links

Mabel E. Or Edith M. Jepson

  • Born: Abt 1879, St Leonards-On-Sea, East Sussex England

  General Notes:

1881 CENSUS: Living at 72 Norman Road, Hastings, daughter, age 2 and birthpla c e St Leonards. (RG11/1028, 79, 15.)
1891 CENSUS: Living in Hastings, Sussex, daughter, age 12, occupation scholar a n d birthplace St Leonards, Sussex. (RG12, 762, 71, 36.)
1901 CENSUS: Living in Hastings, Sussex, daughter, single, age 22, occupation b o okkeeper in fancy warehouse and birthplace St Leonards, Sussex. (RG13, 867, 9 2 , 42.)[morris3.FTW]
1891 CENSUS: Living in Hastings, Sussex, daughter, age 5, occupation scholar a n d birthplace St Leonards, Sussex. (RG12, 762, 71, 36.)
1901 CENSUS: Living in Hastings, Sussex, daughter, single, age 15, no occupati o n but working at home and birthplace St Leonards, Sussex. (RG13, 867, 92, 42.)

  Noted events in her life were:

• Alt. Birth, Abt 1885, St Leonards-On-Sea, East Sussex England.


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