George Spink
(Abt 1831-After 1901)
Sarah Wilson
(Abt 1833-After 1901)
Robert William Spink
Mary Wild
(Abt 1865-)
Herbert Spink
(Abt 1893-1917)


Family Links

Herbert Spink

  • Born: Abt 1893, Leeds, West Yorkshire England
  • Died: 16 Aug 1917, Belgium (WW1) aged about 24
  • Buried: Belgium (WW1)

  General Notes:

Births Dec 1893
Spink Herbert Leeds 9b 435 Jayne01

In the St. Catherine's Index of Births, there is an entry:
Qtr 4, 1893, Herbert Spink, Leeds, 9b 435.

Name: Spink, Herbert
Quarter: December
Year: 1893
District: Leeds (1837-1929)
County: West Riding of Yorkshire
Volume: 9b
Page: 435
Found on the website, September 2004.

1901 Census - 13 Devon Terrace, All Saints East Ward, Leeds, Yorkshire.
Rg13/4217, Folio 118, Page 12.
Robert SpinkH. M.40 Gardener Domestic WorkerLeeds
Mary SpinkW. M.34Leeds
George Thomas SpinkS. U.16 Lab. Brick Works WorkerLeeds
Robert SpinkS.14 Errand Boy Port WorkerLeeds
Fred SpinkS. 9Leeds
Herbert SpinkS. 7Leeds
Elizabeth SpinkD. 4Leeds
Ernest SpinkS. 2Leeds

Herbert was in the First World War in the Army.

In Memory of Private Herbert Spink (64056)
111th Field Amb, Royal Army Medical Corps
Who died aged 23 on Thursday, 16th August 1917

Private Spink was the son of Robert and Mary Spink, of 479 Leeds Rd., Dews bury, Yorkshire.

Remembered with honour
Brandhoek New Military Cememtery No. 3,
Vlamertinghe, Ieper, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium.

Grave Reference/Panel Number:
II. D. 27.

In Memory of
111th Field Amb, Royal Army Medical Corps
who died on
Thursday, 16th August 1917. Age 23.
Additional Information: Son of Robert and Mary Spink, of 479, Leeds Rd ., Dewsbury, Yorks.

Commemorative Information
Cemetery: BRANDHOEK NEW MILITARY CEMETERY No.3, VLAMERTINGHE, Ieper, West -Vlaanderen, Belgium
Grave Reference/
Panel Number: II. D. 27.

Location: Brandhoek New Military Cemetery No 3 is located 6.5 km we st of Ieper town centre, on the Zevekotestraat, a road leading from the N3 08 connecting Ieper to Poperinge. From Ieper town centre the Poperingsew eg (N308), is reached via Elverdingsestraat then directly over two small r oundabouts in the J. Capronstraat. The Poperingseweg is a continuati on of the J. Capronstraat and begins after a prominent railway level cross ing. 6 km along the N308, after passing the village of Vlamertinge and ju st beyond the church in the hamlet of Brandhoek lies the left hand turni ng onto the Grote Branderstraat. After crossing the N38 Westhoekweg, the f irst right hand turning leads onto the Zevekotestraat. The cemetery is loc ated 300 metres along the Zevekotestraat on the left hand side of the roa d, beyond the N38 dual carriageway, which it is necessary to cross.

Historical Information: During the War, Brandhoek was within the comparat ively safe area which ended at Vlamertinghe Church, and Field Ambulances w ere posted there continuously. The Military Cemetery was opened early in M ay, 1915, in a field adjoining the Dressing Station, and closed in July, 1 917. In July, 1917, the casualties of the British offensive in Flanders a nd the arrival of the 32nd, 3rd Australian and 44th Casualty Clearing Stat ions made it necessary to open the New Military Cemetery, 300 metres awa y. The graves in this Cemetery are of July and August, 1917. This was fill ed in the middle of August, 1917, and the New Military Cemetery No. 3, opp osite the New Military, was opened. No. 3 was closed in May, 1918. There a re now nearly 1,000, 1914-18 war casualties commemorated in this site. T he cemetery covers an area of 3,500 square metres. The gates of the Cemete ry were presented by Mr. G. H. Strutt, whose son, Lieut. A. H. Strut t, is buried in Plot IV.


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