Johann Leonhard Eberlein
Maria Apollonia Wiegel
Georg Leonhard Göss
Anna Eva Limberger
Johann Paulus Eberlein
Anna Katharina Göss
Maria Barbara Eberlein


Family Links

1. Johann Lorenz Pfeiffer

Maria Barbara Eberlein

  • Born: 7 Sep 1857, Amelith, Kochville Township, Saginaw County, Michigan USA
  • Marriage (1): Johann Lorenz Pfeiffer on 9 Feb 1879 in St John Lutheran Church, Amelith, Frankenlust Township, Bay County, Michigan USA
  • Died: 11 Sep 1927, Amelith, Frankenlust Township, Bay County, Michigan USA at age 70
  • Buried: 14 Sep 1927, St John Lutheran Church, Amelith, Frankenlust Township, Bay County, Michigan USA

   Cause of her death was Struck by Automobile.

  General Notes:

Article from one of the Bay City newspapers


Mrs. Mary Pfeiffer Meets Death While Crossing Highway

Mrs. Mary Pfeiffer, 70 years old last Wednesday, of Amelith, Frankenlust township, was almost instantly killed about 10 o'clock Sunday night, when struck by an automobile on U. S. 23 at a point about 1,000 feet south of St. John's Lutheran church. The driver of the automobile which struck Mrs. Pfeiffer was Frank Leitow, of 123 Owen avenue, Saginaw, according to a report of the accident made by Sheriff Ezra Marvin and Coroner Hanry M. Simon, who responded to the call. The driver was not held.
Mrs. Pfeiffer, who with a son had been visiting friends living near St. John's Lutheran church, was crossing the highway when the accident occurred. The son had crossed the road first and noticing an approaching automobile, motioned to his mother to stop. She obeyed his command for the first automobile, but apparently did not see the son point to Leitow's car, which was coming almost behind the first one, and walked directly in the path of it.
An ambulance was called, but death came while Mrs. Pfeiffer was enroute to Mercy hospital.
Surviving are her husband, Laurence, two sons, John, of Saginaw, and Edward, at home, two daughters, Mrs. Alma Ruhlig and Mrs. Andrew Gerhauser, both of Bay City; three sisters, Mrs. Margaret Hartman, of Detroit, Mrs. John Foerster, of Bay City, Mrs. barbara Foerster, of Auburn, and seven grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held at two o'clock Thursday afternoon from the home, and at 2:30 from St. John's Lutheran church, with Rev. Fred Bickel officiating. Burial will be in Amelith cemetary.

  Noted events in her life were:

• Baptism: St. John Lutheran Church, Amelith, Michigan, 16 Sep 1857.

• Confirmation: St. John Lutheran Church, Amelith, Michigan, 2 Apr 1871.

• connection.

Maria married Johann Lorenz Pfeiffer, son of Johann Simon Pfeiffer and Anna Katharine Barth, on 9 Feb 1879 in St John Lutheran Church, Amelith, Frankenlust Township, Bay County, Michigan USA. (Johann Lorenz Pfeiffer was born on 1 Jan 1848 in Ruppersdorf, Mittelfranken, Bayern Germany, died on 26 Dec 1943 in Bay City, Bay County, Michigan USA and was buried on 29 Dec 1943 in St John Lutheran Church, Amelith, Frankenlust Township, Bay County, Michigan USA.). The cause of his death was Old Age.

  Noted events in their marriage were:

• Alt. Marriage: Alt. Marriage St. John Lutheran Church, Amelith, Frankenlust Township, Michigan, 29 Feb 1880.

• Marriage Fact: Amelith, Frankenlust Township, Bay County, Michigan, 11 Sep 1927.


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