Anthony Naughton
(Cir 1780-)
Edward (Edmond) (Ned) Naughton


Family Links

1. Bridget (Biddy) Gantly

2. Anne Mary Broderick

Edward (Edmond) (Ned) Naughton

  • Born: 1803, Tynagh, County Galway, Ireland UK
  • Marriage (1): Bridget (Biddy) Gantly on 17 Jan 1822 in Tynagh, County Galway, Ireland UK 624
  • Marriage (2): Anne Mary Broderick on 23 Aug 1843 in Chatsbury, near Goulburn, NSW Australia
  • Died: 24 Jul 1877, Red Ground, Laggan, NSW Australia at age 74

  General Notes:

Edward was transported out to New South Wales in 1832 on the"Eliza"(6). His crime was been in a group, known as Whiteboys whorebel against the english land lords and the rent they charged. He wasa widower with 4 young children under the age of 6.We do not know whathappen to his only son? In 1843 he married Anne Mary Broderick and had8 more children. Anne Mary's brother John married Catherine Naughton,Edward's daughter by his first marriage.

Ciara Rumble notes:
As you noted Patrick (Jnr) was charged with 'administering oaths' with the Terry Alts, and transported with his brothers-in-law; his wife's brothers William and Patrick Callagy, and with your information, I have guessed his sisters' husbands' Patrick Mannion and Patrick Lyons. My research has shown that most of the brothers, uncles, and brothers-in-law were involved in this organisation; most were tried and transported for life over the course of 2 years, and then ended up in the Goulburn/Crookwell region. Then, within a few years of all being given their pardons, they sponsored each others families to join them, becoming the new Irish settlers and pioneers of the region. Many of these men went on to establish school boards, and pastoral/agricultural committees, and take local council roles (include a mayorship), which given their convict pasts is also intriguing.

  Noted events in his life were:

• Occupation: Farmer.

• connection.

• connection.

• connection. 662

Edward married Bridget (Biddy) Gantly on 17 Jan 1822 in Tynagh, County Galway, Ireland UK.624 (Bridget (Biddy) Gantly was born circa 1796 in Ireland and died in 1830 in Ireland.)

Edward next married Anne Mary Broderick, daughter of Patrick Broderick and Mary Callaghy, on 23 Aug 1843 in Chatsbury, near Goulburn, NSW Australia. (Anne Mary Broderick was born in 1825 in Ireland UK and died on 22 Nov 1894 in Crookwell, NSW Australia.)


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